Q-TIP Pre-Reading Strategy
Before students start reading, they should preview the text. By previewing the text and questions using
the Q-TIP strategy, students will build a background on what the text is all
about. This will foster a stronger level
of comprehension even before a single paragraph is read!
Q - Questions
Read the questions first
By reading the questions first, it allows the
students to know what information they are looking for while they are
reading. Often, questions will give students
some information about the basic story elements of the characters, setting,
problem and solution of the story.
T - Title
Read the title and subtitles
Explain to your students that by reading the title
and subtitles, they can make a prediction about what the text will be
about. Subtitles have a special purpose
to help organize information that is related to the subtitle under that
I - Introduction, Italics & Bold Print
Read the introduction
Pay attention to the italics and bold print
The introduction (especially on state testing)
provides a background about what the text will be about. It is important for students to read this
section before reading the selection.
Italics is a signal for students to pay attention. Most commonly, italics are used for emphasis or contrast — that is, to draw
attention to some particular part of a text.
Another way, is that when authors write the entire title of a book, movie, magazine, etc. Words are italicized when they are written in
another language.
Bold words often signify subtitles, or key
vocabulary that the author wants to draw the student’s attention to.
P - Pictures
Review the pictures and read the captions
A picture is included with text because it has a
purpose. Pictures in nonfiction text may
include maps, charts or diagrams. Pictures
in fiction text may relate to the setting or characters in the story. Pictures help students visualize what the
text is about. The captions provide a brief
snip-it linking to the picture and the text.
I had never heard of this strategy for reading before, but I like it! I'm imagining a giant Q-Tip chart in my room! Thanks for sharing this!
Teaching Special Kids